I'm sitting with mum and watching "Trauma - Life at ER" and I can't concentrate on it even if it's very interesting... The only thing I think of is Wirran... I hope she's okay. I've confessed to her that I'm falling in love with her... <3
She's so wonderfull and I can't understand how she could have been treated like she says... :o I just want to show her how I think she should be treated, with love and care. As stated in an earlier post, I want to be the one to cheer her up, dry her tears, hold her when she's down and I want to be the one to tell her that she's loved and show her that she's not unwanted, unloved or worthless. In my eyes she might be the one for me.
I can't stop smiling when I see her smile, my heart speeds up when she touch me, and she's always in my mind! Gaah, can't stop think of how I would feel if Stoffe changes his way of treating her so they stay together... =/ I don't want to be without her, I don't want to go to bed without her at my side, without hearing her breathe, hearing her heartbeat or feeling the warmth radiate from her sweet and cozy body. I know it sounds wierd, but I actually think she's the one for me. And I really want to be the one for her <333
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