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Sunday, March 08, 2009

Speedy <3

I know how stormy it has been between us, maybe we're made for each other. Well, lets say that we are, that would make me an idiot as many times as I've ignored my feelings for you... You are really strong that have waited for me to realize how much you really mean to me... Well, now I probably have and by doing that, I've hurt a lot of people... But hell, it probably just gonna give all those thinking of me as a player more shit to talk about... But, you know what? I dont care as long as it's me and as long as I'm honest against myself and everyone around...

I'm really really sorry... To the people that are those that had a chance to catch me, but obviously didn't do what eventually was needed... I hope you all know that no matter what, I'll think of you as my friends and you can come to me if you need someone to talk to, I'll listen <3


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