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Saturday, July 03, 2010

Design and other stuff

Sorry for the weird design at the moment, but I'm working on it :P Hopefully I'll end up quite good and satisfied. It should be finished during the coming week as my dear Emelie is going to Norway with her family >_<''

Well, for all of you that doesn't know, I've turned 21. Weird that the past 5 years has gone so fast and the amount of events that has ocurred.

First off, I fled from Eskilstuna to my father that lived about 300 kilometers away. And I stayed there for about 10 months. After that his wife threw me out for prioritizing school and not family. Got my own apartment, which I had for about a year, then I got my first own apartment, which I had for about 2 month before I got evicted from it. Reason: everyone in the building except the guy underneath were 70+, and they couldn't stand my different appearence. That led to a lot of false complains. But after that one, I stayed a while at a house that belonged to a friend of my father, and then I found a nice aparment which I recently left to live in Nässjö. And since I moved in to town I've reconnected with lot of my old friends, which I'm more than happy to have.

I've also met someone rare. Someone that one of my best friends introduced me for. Thanks to Ewwe I met Emelie, my girlfriend. And after these two months (tomorrow) I can't honestly say that I've been with someone I've enjoyed this much. She's giving me a lot of support when it comes to certain things that I wouldn't have managed myself.

So, a BIG thanks to Ewwe and Emelie ! Without you two somethings in my life would have been a bigger mess than they currently are.

Well, I have to finish this soon as my beloved is sitting in her bed behind me waiting for me so we can watch some movie(s) :P So bye bye :)


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